1 Result(s)

Organization Logo for #1000289

Interhack Corporation

5 E Long St, Fl 9, Columbus OH 43215-2915

Data analysis and computer forensics; Software trade secret and copyright claims; Damages calculations; Computer crime; Cybersecurity assessments; Penetration testing; Data breach response. Compounding on the reputation and momentum we have fostered since our conception in 2000, we also offer Private Investigations as we are licensed and authorized by the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

Interhack is a computer experts firm. We serve the legal system by finding facts through collection and analysis of electronic information. Our clients include both plaintiffs and defense firms. We have conducted all range of electronic discovery, forensic computer analysis, and expert testimony on computer and Internet technology. Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide.

  • Expert testimony: Analysis of systems and data for use in the proceedings in the form of written and live testimony for the court on technical matters.
  • Consultation & analysis: Helping to show how technology relates to issues at stake in the case